Discover Radashits

A Virtual Tour Of Our Community

- Bais Midrash and Mikva


Currently under construction, the Beis Medrash and Mikvah will serve as the heart of our community. High standards, and careful attention to detail are being invested to ensure a Mikdash Me’at worthy of serving as the bastion of kedusha for a growing community for many years to come.

Watching The Plans Take Shape

Yeshivas Toras Emes D’radashits, was established under the guidance of the Tosher Rebbe, Hagaon Harav Meshulem Feish Levy Ztz”l, and is under the nesius of Harav Yechezkel Glickman. The shul currently being built will join the yeshiva as a pillar of avoda for the Hidden Creek community, and the surrounding locales.

The Shul is at the heart of the community, and Yeshiva, and will serve the bochurim and local families for tefillos, limud Torah, and with Hashem’s help, many Simchas.

Watching The Plans Take Shape

Yeshivas Toras Emes D’radashits, was established under the guidance of the Tosher Rebbe, Hagaon Harav Meshulem Feish Levy Ztz”l, and is under the nesius of Harav Yechezkel Glickman. The shul currently being built will join the yeshiva as a pillar of avoda for the Hidden Creek community, and the surrounding locales.

The Shul is at the heart of the community, and Yeshiva, and will serve the bochurim and local families for tefillos, limud Torah, and with Hashem’s help, many Simchas.

Grab The Opportunity To Memorialize Or Honor A Loved One By Investing In Eternity.

Join Kehillas Radashits, an up-and-coming Jewish hub in upstate New York, in building this vital infrastructure.

Help us ensure the proper framework, in  the model of Yaakov Avinu, who, before settling with his children in the land of Goshen, sent his son Yehudah ahead to prepare the required institutions. Take part and build continuity.

זיך אויפצוסיינען

זיך אויפצוסיינען אויף אונזער אויטאמאטישע סיסטעם צו באקומען אלע מעלדוגען און זמנים

טעקס’ט די ווארט @RADASHITS
צו די נומבער 81010 און טוט נאכפאלגען אלע אנווייזונגען